Selfish By Nature

*Please read in original article, if you can. Or sometimes you cannot see my links. (for friends in Facebook)

About a topic I think around this half of a year.

 It is just mission for human to reduce nature. However it sounds bad, in other words, everyone live to control everything. Even individuals or the human develop so.

 In "Momo" written by Micheal Ende, there is a story about robbers who steal time. The men in gray make peoples have many schedule. Takeshi Yohro said "Future with fixed schedules is same as present." Human being shave future more and more, and make expand present. He said that which is not fixed schedule, therefore circumstances uncertainly or unknown  are just "future".  Children can select from so many things that they are happy. Not to be fixed is very happy thing. Future that nothing is fixed is true fortune. Then he regard them as "things without alternative". In addition, he also represented that unnaturally things as "urban". The human urbanization natures more and more like confrontations between present and future.
 This concept about "urban" is relates with "Babylon" Jamaican call, I consider. In Rastafarism, the Babylon, it means city or rather everything has power, namely just Jamaica they were brought in times past, and "Zion" which means their native place Africa, nature, destiny, Jah guidance and so on make dilemma, you know.

I do the best and leave the rest to god.

 Above words means these dilemma, doesn't these? Do our best resisting being forced by nature, Zion, destiny and so on, finally the time we receive everything come.
 The reasons each surf are each individually. Almost says that to let themselves nature do. But mine is just to dominate nature. Trying to control uncontrollable wave is just joy for me. Always I lose to nature finally and feel "comfortable loss", you know. Therefore I challenge again.
 Market economy seems the opposite. Controlled economy couldn't make innovations therefore we left market the instincts of human called "animal spirits"which is just part of nature. However, it didn't go favorable circumstance.

 A Indian myth. When the human was create, gods have a meeting about secret of their life. Not to know the secret for human was fixed on the whole, but they haven't fixed where to hide it. Some suggested that it should be top of a mountain. But human will be able to climb even such a high place someday. Some said that it should be bottom of sea. Finally, both of them were refuse in same reason. After that, one god suggested the deepest point of each mind. It has been approved.

 It is the most difficult to know ourself.

 Mysteriously, there is different between to think in English and in Japanese. Language change our thinking, sometimes kill it and sometimes make it newly. In addition, to escape from words is violence. Telling my own thinking must be difficult like this, you know. I will try to tell you ever.

Ende Michael




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