Selfish By Nature 2

 I noticed that my first pray this year was in Taiwan, but I didn't in fact because of religion, you know.

Is it getting difficult to tell your opinions?
Don't give up release you. Your ideas will never be empty.

 In quantum mechanics includes a topic called the Laplace's demon. It means existence that know everything of information in level of particle, like the Omnipotent. It should be ideal, I think.
 In 2008, I suggested that a advertising firm construct the system collect individual informations in thesis of management. Next, I wrote about importance of standardization as perspective of ICT society from position on communication in 2009.

 In the former study, we supposed advertising industry to stand in center of market economy because it promotes so many deal in the market. Then the lead time of suppliers should be shortened by advertising company systematize diversifying demands using their big network. By collecting and piling many consumer's personal informations, ad firm can deal economy as main part. But after about a year, I noticed that the position is for ICT firms, not ad firms. In fact, IBM says the same as our report in the CM. Even how little value of informations, by assembling them and create global informations from them, we can forecast demands much more exactly. The more suppliers know their customers behavior, the more they can know what customers want. So suppliers will be able to supply products or services before market want it. Facebook also says like this.
 To say extremely the destination we went toward in the former thesis,  an advertising firm should be Laplace's demon and serves proper distributions among all consumers. But I think that Laplace's demon is ideal concept. However someone oppose it with physical logic, it is fact that human being try to be god. To walk avoid hitting other people, to apply rules, to boil water to make coffee, to invent light bulbs and so on are all to try to oppose nature and dominate future with our will.
 The entropy in thermodynamics is also the concept means fundamental of nature power, I suppose. Entropy means about complexity. As time pasts, everything is getting complex. Children take themselves apart each other from a line. Arranged room is getting scattered. Human has tried to oppose to such a rule. Teacher make children keep in a row. We let our rooms be kept clean by organizing places of each objects.

 However, after that it is clearly that Laplace's demon is ideal, not real, what to do for us doesn't change so much. Human don't abandon hopes like "wanna be", "wanna do", and we came here by such a desire. Limit may come, but we may receive it when it come. So we have to go as we can now. I do the best and leave the rest to god. I mean, it is not needed to "leave", because it will come itself if we don't want.

 So the nature which is the most difficult to understand is human. No matter how much we get to control earth, cosmos, physic and so on, once relate human, it get difficult suddenly to understand. On the other hand, no human individual will, no innovation. Economy has a mission to face such a dilemma.
 Usually, it's so hard to win environment surrounding us. We can't develop so fast than we except. We are not so diligent that we can learn efficiently in how noisy surrounding. It is so efficiently to keep the best environment. Circumstances are also important. Like these, it is the best practice to balance our will and nature power.



 この都会という概念、ジャマイカ人が言うバビロンに通じるものがある。ラスタファリズムでは、バビロン、すなわち権力や都市、また彼らが過去連れてこられたジャマイカという国そのものと、ザイオン、すなわち故郷のアフリカや自然、運命、導き(Jah guidance)がせめぎあい、ジレンマを起こしている。









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