The words

Some says it is good that who behave as curious as I do speak about social.

Curious as I do... he probably mean I'm strange, extraordinary and unapproachable.
But it was not so big issue for me.

I said I dislike word.
Technically speaking, I feared word. And I'm still doing.
I left here because of fear.

But at the same time, I still have desire for insisting fortunately.
I used to feel contradiction so many times that I ain't worried about that.
So I'm back. I've just had some opinion.
The time has come calmly. So calmly.

In the beginning was the word.
The fear makes me away from the word.
And many idea was near by the word.
However, I don't need to force to create words.
That just makes them dirty.
I borrowed them originally, I still remember.

The words are holy.
We must use them with great care.

Anyway, the exotic language is reasonable.
That hide and show properly for me.
I hope I can use Espanol as well as Inglesa.

Gate to ocean    Oct. 2013 in Zihuatanejo

This is my words after about four years.
I think word will accelerate.

(Thanks and welcome for pointing my literary mistake out!)


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