A Fisherman

A story I heard before.

In a tropical island,

one man lived.

He was a fisherman.

He had some friends.

He had lived by fishing just he needs.

He fished when he want to do every day,

slept when he want to do every day,

played with his friends when he want to do every day,

sometimes traveled when he want to do.

He was satisfied enough.

He was free.

One day,

another man who was worked in city as a management consultant came the island.

The business man told the fisherman.

"Analysis where and when you can fish the most.

When the haul increase, recruit other fishermen and be manager.

Then get bigger and superior ships.

Try to export fishes to foreign countries.

And you can be one of the richest man in this island."

The fisherman asked.

"So what can I realize?"

The business man responded.

"You will be able to play however and whenever you want to do so everyday,

sometimes travel when you want to do.

You will realize being free."


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