No door life

Surfing, climbing, camping, reggae dance,,, my curious diverges widely in outdoor so I will not specify any topic for this column.

At first, let me consider the meaning of Outdoor.
It indicates activities out of door, that is outside of house or any other structure in general. However I regard it as "no door", I mean the world without door or wall.
Camping is eating and sleeping outside , releasing music from studio to outside is some festival or dance. They are came out from right place, or probably came out to right place.
Technically speaking, the challenge to shift all activity that is done inside of wall and roof for instance office work, some kind of consumption, reading, learning and so on to no door world.
As we know, actually no door in wild life. All doors and walls in the world have been created in order to fulfil needs and desires of human.  And some activity may be to be done inside.
But as we get wealth, we should re-think which is require wall truly. Is there any work really should be done under the blue sky? Search in them is our next wealth.

I think almost wall in the world has been created for fight against nature or war among people. So the less war in the world, the less need for wall existence.

Wall of houses, gates, doors, boarder are our babylon. We are living being protected by, sometimes break, paint or decorate them. In weekend, go out to wild and re-create each meaning of daily walls. Such a gnarled no door life is my holiday.


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