Remember your beast

*Please read in original article, if you can. Or sometimes you cannot see my links. (for friends in Facebook)

 I have been just a member of an IT firm from this April. But now off the job training so study everyday.

 This is my memo. Can you understand?
Anyway, every day I go the training office at Kasumigaseki, the center of Japan.

Today, let me introduce big learnings I got this several months.

1. Do not be deceived by words

 We communicate each other with words. But we often miscommunicate with our words, especially familiar words. Attractive words often deceive us. The most important thing is not surface words but just truth below the surface. Off course, words are convenient exclusively. But, situation that doesn't  require any words is excellent moment, isn't it? Doubt pretty words. Who knows most, speak least. Still waters run deep.

2. Give it away

 Big learning of mine during this 2 years is "Give it away, if it is not part of you." What we need truly is not so much. We don't want to dispense with almost. But after gave them away, our life don't change so much. And we can be rather creative than nothingness. Because empty bottle can get much water than full.

And what I am thinking these days

3. Do not waste your spirit.

 There is many people who tell us to change our belief. It's good for us to tell knowledge what we didn't know. Then we can learn integrating them by ourself. It gives us opportunities we can think much more. But some people force us to change our mind. They force way of think on us. They may think they are justice exclusively.
 But we often live with such persons. If it is necessary pass for us temporary, to act as if obedient is a way. That's cool attitude in a sense, I think. Clever cat hides his claws.

 Initially, I tried to change the people. My beast couldn't stand to be tried to change my treasure.  I mean everything in my mind I've gotten ever since. But to speak any words is not only way to change situation. The finest way is to make notice without words. And it requires proper times.
 Off course the time we must stand up will come someday. We will have to wake the beast up. We must bring it up silently till the time.

 Some beast is lonely(like a tiger in Sangetsuki=山月記 by Atsushi Nakajima=中島敦), some beast is pessimistic, some beast is creative. Whatever your beast is, it is a part of you exactly. Remember your beast.

Let Out the Creative Beast

View more presentations from Betsy Streeter.

My beast is still living on my shoulder so silently.


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