
Showing posts from May, 2010

To Get High On

*Please read in the  original article , if you can. Or sometimes you cannot see my links. (for friends in Facebook)                                       From my private time Life is paradox. But is it real? Is the contradiction really discord, or just another form of concord in a language we've not yet discovered, language we've not yet learnt, language we've been deprived of. As if be a stranger in where nobody knows me. Sorry, better than that.  Remember the days as child soon after we acquire language. We should have been able to insist just a little bit. Don't regard communication as such easy works.  For example, when I talk that I love Chili Peppers, some people say "yeah, that guitar play is the finest!! Do you like the 4th track of the 2nd album?" I'm afraid I can't play the guitar even read any cords. I've not listened all songs yet. I'm not a specialist about RHCP.  I like just Anthony's c

Remember your beast

*Please read in  original article , if you can. Or sometimes you cannot see my links. (for friends in Facebook)  I have been just a member of an IT firm from this April. But now off the job training so study everyday.  This is my memo. Can you understand? Anyway, every day I go the training office at Kasumigaseki, the center of Japan. Today, let me introduce big learnings I got this several months. 1. Do not be deceived by words  We communicate each other with words. But we often miscommunicate with our words, especially familiar words. Attractive words often deceive us. The most important thing is not surface words but just truth below the surface. Off course, words are convenient exclusively. But, situation that doesn't  require any words is excellent moment, isn't it? Doubt pretty words. Who knows most, speak least. Still waters run deep. 2. Give it away  Big learning of mine during this 2 years is "Give it away, if it is not part of you.