
Showing posts from September, 2009


We often hear the way that try to behave bad. Not realy act villain but appeal my recessive as way to impression the opposition image against original. People always try to evaluate someone better than realy impression. There is many kind people. Nobody can understand just my real parsonality and it is almost impossible. So no matter how deeply anyone understand me, he or she often consider me overestimate than real. Off course the first impressions may be underestimate, however they amendment as communicate increase because of the opposition. And as accumlate of them, the image of me inside people mind will be larger and larger. At same time, I try to follow the image cuz it is happy to be understood. But to catch up the speed is very difficult. Me overestimated, Me trying to catch up and me cannot follow him. Real me who is lonly try to create another me who is inferior then real and let him reflect to the blorted image. The recessive parts are invisible for oneself also other peop